Career & Placement Services
OIAH offers placement assistance to all graduates. OIAH cannot guarantee employment upon completion of the program. OIAH offices frequently receive telephone calls from individuals or employers seeking to hire holistic health and medical professionals, and as such referrals are made.
OIAH offers weekly meeting times for items such as resume writing, interviewing skills, etc. all designed to help the student gain employment in the desired field. These meetings are free to current students, graduates, and even non completers that have attended OIAH. Attendees need only to be scheduled through the OIAH Administration office.
Ohio Institute of Allied Health maintains relationships with medical institutions and health care agencies throughout the state. Placement Assistance services are available through the OIAH Administration office. Use the contact information provided on the left-hand side of this page to schedule an appointment.
Exit Interview
Upon completion of a student’s last quarter of their program, the student should make plans to schedule an Exit Interview with the Placement office. An Exit Interview consists of a brief survey of educational experiences, placement assistance if needed, and the student will receive their copies of official transcripts and diplomas at this time. Students must schedule an appointment with the placement office ahead of time. Walk-in sessions are not available at this time.
Additional Career Resources & Information
The link below is for the 16 Personalities Test. Designed to give a detailed description of Personality Traits and Behaviors. This test is Based on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. It can be a useful tool to determine careers you make work best in or would potentially enjoy. Career centers may recommend it as a tool to assist with job placement or educational goal planning.
O*Net provides a job search engine to look for job openings. It also provides detailed descriptions of occupations and caeere clusters. Great tool for students to help deterine their career paths or goals.