OIAH Academic Excellence Grant
OIAH offers a grant opportunity to all students after they have completed one full quarter with grades allowing for advancement into the next quarter. The student must submit a written essay and be prepared if necessary to interview with a grant and scholarship committee. The committee, who will be reviewing the essay, shall be composed of individuals who are employed outside the Ohio Institute of Allied Health.
Essays must be typewritten in no more than 550 and no less than 450 words.
Correct spelling and grammar is included in the evaluation process.
- 1. Why did you choose the program in which you have enrolled?
- 2. Why do you feel that you deserve this grant?
Essays will be reviewed by a scholarship/grant committee and in the case of a tie applicants will be contacted for an interview to determine final awardees. Decisions of the grant committee are final. The committee has the ability to issue 3 grants per each new quarter. Grant applications and essays will not be accepted after a student begins the final quarter of the program in which they are enrolled.
*** The following criteria shall be used to clarify the rules of the award process of the Ohio Institute of Allied Health Academic Excellence Grant.
- Grants will be issued prior to the start of the incoming quarter – grants may be awarded for quarters 2 – 4.
- Grants may only be awarded to students who have completed the essay requirements, met with the grant committee if necessary, and have successfully completed the first quarter of the program in which they are enrolled. Students must also have achieved a GPA of 3.50 or higher for that quarter.
- The Ohio Institute of Allied Health Educational Grant has a value of $2000.
- No more than $1,000 may be applied per quarter for full-time attendance; no more than $500 may be applied per quarter for part-time attendance.
- This award will be posted to the student’s ledger after the completion of the each quarter, providing the student has grades which will allow advancement to the next quarter. Awards will begin after the completion of the award quarter and continue until the grant is awarded in its entirety.
- If a student fails to complete the award quarter and withdraws, they forfeit the grant award in its entirety. If said student then reapplies to the program or another program at OIAH, they will have to reapply for the grant.
- The grant is not a cash award and cannot be refunded to a withdrawing student.